India’s best ever batsman, Sachin Tendulkar, has said that he is still not satisfied with the number of runs that he has got in the test match format of the game, and that he would like to end with at least 15,000 runs under his belt.
Talking to a cricket magazine, Tendulkar said that he will want to live up to the expectations of former Indian opener and captain, Sunil Gavaskar, who had predicted that Tendulkar will get to 15000 runs. Gavaskar had also said that he would not be happy if Tendulkar got anything less than that, ‘and would come and catch me if he didn’t.’
The other aim that Tendulkar spoke about was the winning of the 2011 edition of the World Cup, the one trophy that has eluded his cupboard so far. Tendulkar has already played in five such tournaments and hasn’t won a world cup for his country yet.
Tendulkar then defied John Buchanan’s judgment on the fact that the bowlers world over had sorted Tendulkar out with the short ball. He said, ‘There must be something very wrong with all the bowlers around the world that they have allowed me to score so many runs.
Tnedulkar signed off by saying that retirement was farthest from his thoughts, but it was a scary thought all the same, to be away from the game he loves so much!
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